4–7 Jun 2015
Toji Foundation of Culture, Wonju, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Weak nonleptonic decays of Ωc^0 baryon to axial-vector meson

4 Jun 2015, 15:30
Toji Foundation of Culture, Wonju, Korea

Toji Foundation of Culture, Wonju, Korea


Dr Rohit Dhir (Yonsei Univ.)


The axial-vector-emitting weak hadronic decays of the Ωc^0 baryon are investigated. After employing the factorization and the pole model framework to predict their branching ratios, we derive the symmetry- breaking effects on axial-vector-meson-baryon couplings and effects of flavor dependence on baryon- baryon weak transition amplitudes and, consequently, on their branching ratios.

Primary author

Dr Rohit Dhir (Yonsei Univ.)

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