4–7 Jun 2015
Toji Foundation of Culture, Wonju, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Cosmic Rays Observed by COREA Prototype System at the North Side of Seoul

Not scheduled
Toji Foundation of Culture, Wonju, Korea

Toji Foundation of Culture, Wonju, Korea



Mr Woo-Ram Cho (Yonsei Univ.)


The COREA(COsmic ray Reaserch and Education Array) collaboration has installed a prototype array of plastic scintillation systems at Kyeonggibuk Science High School and Hansung Science High School to study cosmic ray events. In each site, three detector stations are installed, where each station cosists of four scintillation detectors. In this presentation, we report coincidence technique based on time information to detect high-energy air showers and analysis of features of cosmic ray data correlated with solar flare.

Primary author

Mr Woo-Ram Cho (Yonsei Univ.)

Presentation materials

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